Circuito Chico
Duration: Half dayBordering the Nahuel Huapi lake. At the Km.8 you find Playa Bonita, appreciating there the Island Huemul.10 Km later on you arrive at the foot of the Cerro Campanaril. There there works an aerosilla that moves the traveler up to the summit (1050 m) to the Panoramic Point. Then passing the zone of San Pedro's peninsula, is Llao Llao.
There is the San Eduardo chapel at the lake Nahuel Huapi. Continuing you cross the Angostura bridge that joins the lakes Moreno and Nahuel Huapi, and Bay Lopez, to I peeped of the Hill Lopez. Then it comes near to the bridge that crosses the Moreno lake in its narrowness and the lagoon is begun to border the lake El Trebol. Hereinafter, to 2 Km., the junction meets the Av. Bustillo at a height of the Km. 18, for where it is returned to the city closing the Circuito Chico.